Saturday, April 18, 2009


That dreaded word! I know many people hear that word and start to tremble, I know, because I was one of them. A year ago last December, my then 17 year old son, decided he wanted to graduate in the Spring. He had plenty of credits, he was already taking classes at the local community college for dual enrollment, all he needed was a transcript so he could apply for scholarships. I was in a bit of a panic since I thought I had a year to supply this when in reality I only had about a month! So, to hopefully spare some of you this panic, I thought I would share a few things that helped me get his transcript together.

I had all his grades, so that was not a problem, but getting it all on paper was the challenge for me. I did some poking around, and soon discovered that most Christian colleges have transcript templates for homeschoolers. I soon found one that I liked, and easily downloaded it to my computer. Next came the challenge of assigning credits and naming his coursework.

After digging through posts on the Sonlight Forums, I came up with all the information I needed: how to assign titles for his High School cores, how to assign credits, and which other pertinent information should be included on a transcript. If you are a member of the Forums, I strongly recommend that you visit the Parents of High Schoolers forum for some terrific help. If you are not a member of the Forums I would suggest that you check out a few of these sites that also offer great tips and information: Transcripts A to Z, Create Professional Homeschool Transcripts, Homeschool Legal Defense. There are many resources out there, some are free, and some you can purchase. I have listed a few just to get you started.

Hopefully I have helped you get going, but if you need any other help, please drop me a comment and I'll be happy to share anything else I might know!

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